William Caxton

  • 网络威廉·卡克斯顿;威廉卡克斯顿;英国的印刷商卡克斯登;克司登
William CaxtonWilliam Caxton
  1. In fact , London had been a centre of printing since William Caxton set up his printing press in the London District of Westminster in1476 .


  2. This early ad was the work of William Caxton , England 's first printer , who used it to advertise religious books from his own studio .


  3. Around 1476 William Caxton set up a printing press in England and started a communications revolution .


  4. English began to grow more quickly when William Caxton returned to Britain in the year fourteen seventy-six .


  5. In 1476 , William Caxton printed the first book in England , henceforth books , pamphlets , magazines , news-books etc. which are the earliest mass media become the object of censorship .
